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Kian's LiL Sugar PoP 's Site

WELCOME 2 a window in2 my world! :)

Updates and Stuff


18 February 2001-~-> Started buildin my site.

~My Creative Site
~My Ranting
~Film and CD Reviews
(basically half the site! *lol*)

23 February 2001-~-> Republished site wif some new stuffage

EmAiL Me

Like everyone in the WORLD has a website so y cant I?


This is me Lisa and this is my site! *lol* That sounds so corny! And don't make fun of the site name! I'm just a bit Kian obsessed at the mo' OK?!?!?!?!?!

NEwayz, if u know NEthing about me already, then u can probably guess what will mostly be on this site. I'm just startin out with the whole 'website' thing so bare wit me pleeze!

When this is finally 'done', u'll be able 2 click on NE of the links above and not just see all the example stuff u get when u start buildin a site! *lol* But as I'm writing this, I just wanna let u know u'll probably see that crap 4 a while! *lol*

Well I guess that's all! I'll try 2 put interesting things on here but like I said, it's gonna take some time!


PS-~-~-~-> I will hopefully be updatin this site often. If u have NE suggestions, pleeze tell me! Or if u have NE stuff u wanna share with me, tell me pleeze!

OHH YA! And if NE1 has Kian Egan of Westlife's e-mail addy, phone #, real address, gossip, piccies, etc., leave a message 4 me on the Guestbook wif yer e-mail addy PLEEZE!!! I'M BEGGIN U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Kian Obsessed!

Kian Egan~ my lil cowboy

Ooohhh! Kian Egan of Westlife! Wonder if they've ever thought about goin out on tour dressed like that? *lol* That would be a GREAT look!

SiGn My GuEsTbOoK


MeSsAgE bOaRd

Click here pleeze! *lol*

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